Tuesday 11 July 2017


Example on Cryptocurrency 

In addition I owned network marketing companies or affiliate based groups where we deployed organizations up to 7500 strong to promote, market and sell products and services owned by the company I developed.As a former owner of a flourishing network marketing company I can relate to current owners of a MLM or network marketing companies that there is a large and growing worldwide company affiliated with cryptocurrency who is currently seeking network marketing companies who are open to merge or company buyout offers.

For these type of affinity organizations and network marketing companies who were open to the idea of a join or merge process. http://what-is-cryptocurrency.com/bitcoin-mining-hardware-nutshell/is an excellent resource for this.I have already personally witnessed a win-fall for certain affinity group leaders and network marketing company owners who went from zero to top money earners worldwide by simply being open-minded, and who were paying attention to the world of cryptocurrency.

It should be noted that it is simply not that easy to capture this open source blockchain technology, or to start your own brand of cryptocurrency. It is highly technical in nature, it takes careful audit plus you may face the issue of regulatory compliance in your own companies national venue.It is my professional opinion it is better for your group or organization to affiliate with an already existing entity who has already done the heavy lifting with principle owners who have expertise in this new blockchain cryptocurrency then to try to venture out to start your own.

Further supporting my opinion it is far better to affiliate with an existing entity as opposed to starting your own. Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology already occupies presence of mind of all the large financial institutions, technical companies and high level entrepreneurs. They have already created well laid plans to capture future market share on the blockchain technology and their own cryptocurrency.

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